Sunday, 2 June 2013

The Last Blast

Just had a fabulous weekend for my last recce before the Big Day, a run over leg 2 with Jarv, Stu and Deasey as well as Mark on his first trip up to the Lakes for a long while as preparation for helping on leg 3. The weather was fabulous, with just a few gusts of fresh breeze over the Dodds but mostly sun, blue skies with white cloud and perfect views, so we could see the whole, majestic, dauntingly huge Round. This was an excellent opportunity to enjoy this section and try to commit it to memory as best I can before running it at night in three weeks' time. Easier said than done of course. Once it's dark those certain directions become more difficult to pick out .... left-at-the-small-cairn and straight-on-for-a-bit-and-then-bear-sort-of-leftish-when-the-path-gets-a-bit-stonier ... ah well, it'll all come right no doubt! The weekend was also improved no end by fish and chips by the Moot Hall watching someone come in at the end of their Round (in under 20 hours, flippin eck!), a beer or two with the chaps, and then off to The Alhambra to watch Gatsby with Vicki who'd joined me on this trip. So from this point it's all easing off, last minute plans, and waiting :-)

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